Confidence Building

Aug 17, 2023

Lots of people get nervous when searching for a job. Try not to worry about the process ahead of you. Continue your search… no matter what.

Ignore that little voice
When you are struggling with low self-confidence, your inner critic has taken over - by addressing these negative thoughts it may help you realise how untrue they actually are. You could try to focus on what separates you from others, staying true to yourself & your goals, this may help you to re-enter your thoughts. 

Avoid negative people
Negativity is contagious and it can easily change your mind set about things in a short period of time. Negative people with negative thoughts can bring you down and often make a situation seem worse than it is. Avoiding negative people in such a critical time might help you to raise your own positivity levels. 

Use your contacts
Talk to friends and family. Sometimes, “it’s not what you know but who you know”! A large percentage of jobs are found by networking. Getting yourself out there and letting people know you are looking for work could lead to you being contacted first before the position is released to the public.

Be proactive
Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and call companies who are advertising. Grab the bull by its horns! The first step to take is set your goals and set some time frames. Give yourself daily or weekly goals to achieve, such as apply for ten online jobs per week; hand in your resume at five businesses per week, follow up on applications one week after applying or even catching up on the latest updates or news happening in your desired industry.

Take time to recharge
Research shows that a new hobby can help to improve your wellbeing. It is extremely important to have good work life balance; all work and no play will make you less motivated and less productive.

Have a positive self-image
Focus on your achievements. It’s ok to be proud of yourself – you have done many great things so don’t keep it a secret. If you say something often enough you will start to believe it. Try kick starting your day everyday by saying “I can do it, I am good enough and I have great potential”

Write things down
Keep note of your skills, projects, software package, systems and achievements as these will assist when searching for work. After a job interview take notes on the things that went well, and possibly things that you could work on to improve. Writing things down will make it easier for you to reflect on your progress and also finding information quickly. Helpful lists to make are: 

  • Jobs or ads you have applied for
  • Goals and Objectives
  • Personal Skills and Accomplishments
  • Work Experience

Remember, confidence is an ongoing journey that requires consistent effort. By adopting these strategies, you'll not only improve your job search outcomes but also enhance your overall self-assurance and professional success.

20 Sep, 2023
Elevate your job search game by embracing a culture of learning and upskilling. Discover five powerful strategies to boost your career prospects. Online Learning Opportunities: Leverage the vast array of online courses and certifications available on platforms like Coursera, edX, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning. These platforms offer courses in various subjects, from technical skills to soft skills, enabling you to expand your knowledge and qualifications conveniently from home. Professional Networking: Attend industry-specific events, webinars, and conferences, both in person and virtually. These gatherings provide opportunities to network with professionals, gain insights into emerging trends, and connect with potential mentors who can offer guidance and advice in your job search. Hands-On Experience: Seek out volunteer opportunities, freelancing gigs, or internships related to your field. These experiences not only allow you to apply your skills in a real-world context but also enhance your resume and demonstrate your commitment to continuous learning. Stay Informed: Stay up to date with industry developments by regularly reading relevant publications, blogs, magazines, and news articles. Subscribe to newsletters and follow thought leaders on social media to receive curated content and valuable insights. Join Online Communities: Engage in online forums, LinkedIn groups, and professional communities that focus on your industry or area of interest. These platforms offer a space to discuss current topics, share knowledge, and connect with like-minded individuals, which can broaden your perspective and provide opportunities for learning from peers. By proactively pursuing these learning and upskilling strategies, you not only enhance your qualifications but also demonstrate your dedication to self-improvement and professional growth, making you a more attractive and competitive candidate in your job search.
14 Sep, 2023
Acing a job interview and standing out from other candidates requires careful preparation, effective communication, and a strong display of your skills and personality. Here are some tips to help you succeed: 1. Research the Company: Familiarize yourself with the company's mission, values, products/services, recent news, and any other relevant information. This knowledge will demonstrate your genuine interest and make you better equipped to answer questions during the interview. 2. Understand the Role: Review the job description thoroughly to understand the responsibilities and requirements of the position. This will help you tailor your answers to showcase how your skills and experience align with what the company is looking for. 3. Practice Common Interview Questions: Anticipate common interview questions (e.g., "Tell me about yourself," "Why do you want to work here?") and prepare concise, thoughtful answers. Practice your responses to ensure you sound confident and authentic. 4. Highlight Achievements: Emphasise your accomplishments and quantify them whenever possible. Use numbers, percentages, and specific metrics to showcase your contributions to previous employers. 5. Ask Thoughtful Questions: Prepare a list of thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer about the company, team dynamics, expectations for the role, and opportunities for growth. This demonstrates your interest and engagement. 6. Body Language and Communication: Maintain eye contact, offer a firm handshake, and sit up straight. Practice good posture and avoid fidgeting. Listen actively, and respond thoughtfully to questions. 7. Be Authentic: Authenticity is key. Be yourself during the interview and let your personality shine. Employers value candidates who are genuine and relatable. 8. Dress Appropriately: Choose professional attire that aligns with the company's culture. When in doubt, it's better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed. 9. Highlight Soft Skills: In addition to technical skills, emphasise your soft skills such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and adaptability. These skills are highly valued by employers. 10. Follow-Up:  Send a personalised thank-you email within 24 hours of the interview. Express gratitude for the opportunity and reiterate your interest in the role. Remember, every interview is a learning experience. Even if you don't get the job, use the feedback to refine your interview skills for future opportunities. Good luck!
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